Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This is the first doll i have created with this
I have named her Annie
(you know - the red hair)
I practiced painting the eyes and mouth for 4 days
and I am still not very confident

I made her almost all by hand, my sewing machine like to eat
seams that are this small

She has lots of detail work left to do on her but I wanted to let you
see what I am learning. this is the technique I am gonna use for the
Grandma Hobbit.
Ruth she is only about 12" tall. do you have some trim for her dress that you think would work?
if not I can do lots of hand embroidery on it after I finish the fingernails,toes,eyelids,line detail on her lips
and her freckles!
LOL i love freckles
Hi Peggy! WOW! Looking good here. I think I have something for trim that will work. We'll see in about 3 days!!! Ruth

Wow. This is amazing. Are these the techniques you need for the frumpy grump doll? Linda

Frumpy has a seam that runs down her face so the needle sculpting is a little different. and she has an armature inside. like the horsed and unicorn.  but the face painting is like this doll.  so she takes a combination of several differnet techniques.
I am starting to get excited about starting her.  I am going to make one more of this style doll first though,
I will then have more confidence to work on frump.  I have two more waldorf doll heads made and am going to sew up their bodies tomarrow when I get home from the temple. 

i know she is not a waldorf doll style. but she is still a very cute pattern and I am anxious to incorporate her techniques into our final doll creation... (if that really ever happens)
Waldorf Doll.  Waldorf Doll. Waldorf Doll.  gotta love those waldorf dolls!

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